

Journey EP


Project TruckRyS


2024 Birthday Cake


HiRyS! We're bunch of IRyStocrats from an IRyS fan discord server called IRySanctuary!
Time really does fly!
It has been a year since your debut, and every day every moment with you is awesome!
We know it was not easy to be a Vtuber also bring HOPE!
We're so grateful for everything you did last year so we made a website to commemorate our precious memories.
( These are some IRyStocrats favourite IRyS moments )

1st anniversary anthology credit to : IRySimp

One Year IRyS Anthology
A collection of clips and message for our beloved nephilim that tells her first year story journey in hololive and ended with a massive thank
you parade from the IRyStocrat Community through the a bullet chat system.
IRyS truly one of the Best.

Something to say...

We wish you all the best! The happiness you bring to us will always be our treasures.
We want to say thank you for descending in our lifes.
The 1st anniversary wasn't the end of our journey.
Our journey has just begin right now!!



【ROOM REVEAL】Flexing New Room and Sing some? ;D/11-4-2022/2:15:35

It was the second time IRyS sang 悪魔の子, the ED of 進撃の巨人. It was totally different from the just-learned one, I almost can see Eren Yaeger in IRyS' voice. The difference showed me how serious IRyS thinks of her every singing and how hard IRyS keeps practicing and improving, even it's just an usual karaoke streaming. IRySoPro,definitely.



【SKYRIM】Fight for Hope/14-1-2022/2:11:20

When irys was mocked by the NPC, her smiling expression instantly turned into expressionless. And then she stole all the stuffs from the NPC with a cutie Nephamily smile. It was so funny.



【HoloEN Among Us】IT'S ULTIMATE SUS TIME/24-10-2021/1:48:46

Man... That move... That timing.... and the react after that.. It make me fill with H(P)O(N)PE.



【ELDEN RING】I want to get gud [Spoiler Alert]/14-3-2022/2:27:11

This is the most memorable scene to me from IRyS. It shows that no matter what hardship she faces, she will take on the challenge, keep at it and succeed in achieving her goal! I have faith and without a doubt that, just like this scene, she will achieve her goals as a vtuber and in life. Ganbatte IRyS!! We will always support you!!



【UNARCHIVED CARaoke】Valentine's Drive Date❤/14-2-2022/1:21:30

CARaoke is one of my favorite stream through out the entire year. Happy One Year Anniversary IRyS. BTW I can't believe that GuyRyS secretly RickRolled IRyStocrats while you were in an Idol Meeting.


Evan W.-エヴァン-

【DEBUT STREAM】Hope has descended!/11-7-2021/0:50:56

I didn't know what "Vsinger" is until i heard the first line of the 残酷な天使のテーゼ. The amazing and power voice tugged at my heartstrings. That's how a legend begins.



【DEBUT STREAM】Hope has descended!/11-7-2021/0:05:14

It's the first time I met Hope. After Coco graduated, I felt the Hope by my side. It just so unforgettable. Thank you for coming my life.



【 凸待ち / Minecraft 】ホロライブ大運動会後夜祭🏳【ホロライブ/さくらみこ】/7-11-2021/0:46:37

IRyS's English and Japanese speaking so well. makes Miko said her Japanese is bad. This part makes me laugh so hard lol.



【Chatting & Celebrating】Can't believe it's already been a month!/11-8-2021/1:00:53

This is the one scene that I remember the most and it always makes me laugh watching this part. I remembered in Youtube Chat that someone was saying "Baldrys" and I thought that I would also go with it and then suddenly many people in the chat have started spamming baldrys until irys actually noticed which made her laugh. Personally, i think it was very satisfying and I would want to watch it over and over.



【UNARCHIVED CARaoke】Valentine's Drive Date❤/14-2-2022/1:21:11

Irys's singing very well, you have handpicked the love songs.The best moment that shocked me is guyrys's never gonna give you upnever gonna let you down



【MINECRAFT】Guerrilla Minecraft!!/10-10-2021/1:06:02

IRyS deals with miko-senpai for wife's present. Because I'm not good at English so I don't used to watch holoEN stream. But this stream is almost speak in Japanese. I watched it and then I fell in love with this cute Nephilim.


Yuting Wang

【MINECRAFT】Doing Stuff/25-2-2022

Cause you're cute when you're choking on a soda(sorry,my english is not good.



【GTA V】More like Grand Hope Auto/20-1-2022/2:43:53

The reason why this one is impressed is that u imitated what the crazy Mr. Cheng had said. Your pronunciation of "來來(lai↗lai↗)" is pretty accurate and adorable. As soon as I enjoy playing GTAV, the IRyS version "來來" voice occur to my mind.



Ochame Kinou - hololive English Cover/1-1-2022

I moved when I saw IRyS'place in ochame kinou. She is not alone, not only in Project:hope, she is a member of holo en. I started watch you from debut, and you are going to 1year. I will be a IRyStocrat forever!




I really enjoyed the whole broadcast, because the atmosphere was very happy and IRyS sang very well, and IRyS made a lot of cute faces. I really liked it. And the last half-anniversary album is my favorite part, because I think every song is very nice, especially "only in hope". Finally, I want to wish IRyS a happy first anniversary! I wish you all the best for the future!



『#BirthdayRyS』ITS MY B-DAY Woo~!🎈【BIRTHDAY STREAM】/7-3-2022/0:06:09

It's B-DAY,and all of us get to celebrate with you, share the joy and hope, what more could I ask for ❤️


Zac Tang

【DEBUT STREAM】Hope has descended!/11-7-2022/0:08:00

Three times of descending was very impressive . Your cute voice and face fit perfectly. The final song was mesmerizing.



『#BirthdayRyS』ITS MY B-DAY Woo~!🎈【BIRTHDAY STREAM】/7-3-2022/0:49:55

The reason this is my favourite because it means Irys come to this world like 8 months already! We are all glad that IRyS joined hololive and brought us a lot of smiles! Also, I really love this very cute smile! Even we're not in front of her, we can still feel her happiness on this birthday stream.



『#BirthdayRyS』ITS MY B-DAY Woo~!🎈【BIRTHDAY STREAM】/7-3-2022/0:30:53

Because the birthday live broadcast is very important to IRyS, I went inside to find pictures and found this cute scene. it's really cute, so I like this scene very much.


Ed エド

【ROOM REVEAL】Flexing New Room and Sing some? ;D/11-4-2022/0:16:33

I'm so happy to see a new room for IRyS, and I like the room that has so many IRyS easter eggs and is full iof elegance.



【Chatting】 I miss you guys ;u;/14-5-2022/2:05:59

Why I chose this part is because that it's interesting to put the IRySuperb's picture on the stream. It showed me that they are so many different country's views and pets, and then let me know so many IRyS' reaction and opinion! Let me have a better understanding of my oshi! And I feel like make connection with different fans in the world. To me, it's really a unique experience! When I first time hear you singing, I can feel my heart seethed. And I fall into the voice and the reaction you have. I always think about that I'm too late to meet IRyS. So, to make it up! I'll as much as possible to give buck to my oshi! The luckiest thing in my life is meet IRyS. Thank you for company me when I feel alone. In the following days, I will support you till the end of my heart! Please take care of yourself! And remember that we always here.



【DEBUT STREAM】Hope has descended!/11-7-2021/0:49:35

(In yout debut, you descended 3 times(x, sang A Cruel Angel's Thesis, and uploaded your first original song: Caesura of despair. Then you covered many songs and made many original songs too. Till now you are still shining yourself, I'm very happy to be a IRyStocrat. ||:



『#BirthdayRyS』ITS MY B-DAY Woo~!🎈【BIRTHDAY STREAM】/7-3-2022/3:50:36

I've been waiting for you to sing THE SONG since debut.❤️Renai circulation you sang is so amazing, and I can tell that your singing skill keeps improving from debut till now. Love your singing stream so much🥰🥰 My oshi is the best!!


icecream comet

Stream before stream/26-4-2022/0:15:44

IRyS is pretty cute and the man beside her is very handsome.



Observing Lotion w/ waifu【I'm On Observation Duty 4】22-6-2022/0:30:44




【MINECRAFT】Let's tame some cute doggies!/24-8-2021/0:58:04

HiRyS! Happy 1 anniversary! I went through a tough in June last year. However i saw the cutest Nephilim giving iron golem a flower when i clicked into your stream. You are the reason that always keeps the smile on my face. Everytime i feel sad or pessimistic, your songs always heal. Words simply couldnt express how much you mean to me. Thank you so much for your accompany. My hope<3.< /p>




Her half anniversary karaoke was something special, she was super happy to announce her Journey EP and we saw her shining with her angelic voice. I think both IRyS and us, the IRyStocrats, could see the magic of the occasion, realizing this was only the beginning of a full journey we'll go through together, IRyS doing her best and we would be there, to support her, cherish her and love her. That's why this is one of my favorites moments.



【 凸待ち / Minecraft 】ホロライブ大運動会後夜祭🏳【ホロライブ/さくらみこ】/7-11-2021/0:46:37

My favourite scene is actually from the stream where you showed everybody the touch grass shirt that me and my dog Happy wore. However I'm choosing this particular scene from your Terraria stream because it is precious to me personally. I asked you in chat, "how was the gyoza?"; you answered "gyoza was great". That was it - that 1 second short, seemly insignificant reply - is what made me decide to be your loyal fan. It was the first time I received a response from you; even knowing that you didn't even look at who typed what in chat, I was still so happy. If you ever wonder whether or not you matter in this world, please do know that there's somebody in this world who treasures every word you say. Happy anniversary, IRyS! I wish you all the success and happiness.


J.M. Henry

【ELDEN RING RACE】I smell victory [Spoiler Alert] /17-4-2022/3:37:18

This is the exact moment IRyS went down in Holo EN Elden Ring History and won the the Big Tree Sentinel Race. IRyS's ER streams were among my favorite streams to watch. Cheering her on as she learned the game and got really good at it was some of the most fun I had just watching someone play a game, lol. She may not stream it now, but I always hope she's having fun with it on her own time. Cheers to you, IRyS, Legendary Tree Sentinel Arse Kicker! o7



【One Hand Clapping】B-but how do you clap with one hand?/12-7-2021/1:23:49

This is the first ever stream I've fully watch ever since joining hololive. The stream was super fun to watch and I got to know IRyS but especially on this part I found it really funny on how she casually opened the soda while singing LOL, I got to know IRyS and her love for soda. 😄



【MINECRAFT】Axolotl hunting anyone?/9-8-2021/4:31:02

IRyS unkowingly falling down the hole that other members have fallen down is oddly funny that i love it.



【MINECRAFT】Lets go to NETHER land ;D after some prep!/15-9-2021/0:24:26

Its was really funny, the first interaction between IRyS and kroni that end up misunderstanding XD, also so much chaos in that stream.



【NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD】IRyS will save you/2-9-2022/0:45:29

YabaiRyS is too stunned to speak. Its so funny.



【Mother Simulator】How to stop a baby from crying 101/19-7-2021/0:39:21

Serious gaming and claimly complaining the situation with a lovely voice at the same time. And of course, compliments herself.



【SC Reading / Pokemon Brilliant Diamond】Getting Ready for Tournament while SC Reading!!/18-1-2022/0:45:37

IRys getting the perfect pokemon(ClamRys) was so funny to watch, It was even the last trade ww.



『#BirthdayRyS』ITS MY B-DAY Woo~!🎈【BIRTHDAY STREAM】/7-3-2022/ 3:50:37

BirthdayRyS Singing stream was the best!



【TITANFALL 2】Getting in the Robot/7-9-2021/0:32:45

Classic IRyS jinxing herself moment! This was one of the few streams I watched from start to end and was this Titanfall 2 stream was the stream I watched while recovering from an illness so her many pon and funny moments brought comfort and relief during my recovery 🙂



【Nintendo Switch Sports】SWING THOSE ARMS/20-5-2022/1:36:28

IRyS's frustation and anger against a couple of normies is very relatable.


Mayles T

【MINECRAFT DEBUT】Say hello to Cube IRyS/28-7-2022/0:18:15

This is the one of my most Favorite scene to Irys it's almost hard to decide which one should I pick because many of her streams was memorable. Therefore I remember the first saw her was playing Debut Minecraft I was curious about her so I watch this stream. She was cute back then when learning new things in Minecraft and when she entered the wrong server I thought she was panic and scared but she was saved by her Senpai Polka for while . "She was my Batman!" The moment she said that was I started liking her many streams but even tho I'm busy irl thanks to the clippers I catch along her other streams. I have a dramatic reason so that's why I want to thanks IRyS so much to give me another chance to live and that's all want. 🙂


Sleepin Terror恐眠


I like everything about IRyS, she's just perfect for me. So, it is a bit tricky for me to choose one from so many highlights moment of her stream. But, if only I can pick one. I would say it's probably this one. Oh man, this one is just so freaking hilarious to me. IRyS dubbing Bae is soooo on point and accurate. I would never forget when that time I was a bit late(like several minute)to the stream and because I just waking up and don't pay enough attention to it. It actually takes me another several minute to realize that it's actually IRyS speaking behind the scene, not Bae. And the whole stream was IRys dubbing it all. I was so shock at that moment...and admired at the same time. And then, Calli called-in in the middle of the stream. She then shouted in disbelief: "Why are you sounds like each other ??" "God...How much do you guys hang out? Like I don't understand..." "Look, I know you guys are like...married and shit but like...WHAT THE FU**" Yeah Calli, now you share the same feeling as I do. And you just take the word right out of my mouth. This is exactly what I was thinking at the time. About how good IRyS really is at the dub and she really nailed it big time. IRyS is so talented, not just in singing but almost in every aspect. I also know that it isn't not just about she's gifted, but she worked really hard too. And that's what I like about her.



【Nintendo Switch Sports】SWING THOSE ARMS/20-5-2022/0:17:15

I love it how IRyS finds herself doing sports and enjoying every match or which gamemode, and she makes a lot of funny moments dyring that stream and it was really enjoyable moments seeing her enjoying the games that she chose! 😄


Flowa D.

【APEX】Pew pew with Senpais!【Iofi & Ollie & IRyS】/9-4-2021 /0:42:26

This is the best APEX gameplay IRyS has ever made. She one clipped a guy and cracked his shield using R-301. Then killed the last one with EVA-8. Perfect skills and teamwork.



【MV RELEASED!!】AFTERPARTY CHAT!/22-5-2022/2:37:36

That is my pc and setup! My setup is my baby, something I can constantly improving. To have my oshi be impressed by it is awesome.


Roro Ch

【The Radio Station】Scary stream with heart monitor in action!/7-11-2021/0:35:53

"What you do scared of huh? You're chicken!"


William Yiu

【It Takes Two】 It Takes Tako and Hope【#2】/4-9-2021/1:16:02

I love she can talk a common thing turn to yabai when she didn't realise that.



【RESIDENT EVIL: 2】Zombies go boom/19-5-2022/0:47:46

I am generally scared of insects, so when I saw this scene on stream I had exactly the same reaction´д` ; btw ur noise cute.( *`ω´)💎


DG Dragon T

【HADES】Defying DEATH for the first time /26-4-2022/5:11:35

There's many moments I really loved from IRyS but this one was a thing that I can't forget. IRyS is just like us who has also problems in life but she always do her best to give everyone joy and hope through singing and streaming and seeing her being emotional made me cry. Having the IRyStocrats showing love and support was very heartwarming, touching and wholesome to such why I really love this community. I just hope that IRyS will be happy and wishing her to reach her dreams.



【CARRION】Hope has come to DEVOUR EVERYTHING/5-1-2022/0:08:14

IRyS laughing filled with joy as she prepares too bring despair too all is just so cute.



【ELDEN RING RACE】I smell victory [Spoiler Alert] /17-4-2022/3:37:23

The reason why this is a favourite moment of mine is because it shows how well IRyS can focus, stay determined and adapt towards something she sets her mind to. Now of course it's just a video game but it shows that she can quickly become great at certain games only after a little bit of practice and understanding, and her playing elden ring can prove that.



【I'm On Observation Duty】Reporting intruders and ghosts?/13-6-2022/1:00:50

That's why I love your stream so much! Despite of playing horror game, you can just go though it like this. It's so Kusa^O^. You spread joy and happiness to us all the time.


Igloo Igloo

【UNARCHIVED CARaoke】Valentine's Drive Dateheart REBROADCAST! /21-2-2022/0:11:10

IRyS has a very creative mind and her impromptu skills are no joke! These were in full display during her "Unarchived CARaoke", but somehow she managed to make its REBROADCAST an even better experience. It was truly crazy. Now, I'd like to share some quotes from the rebroadcast -- IRyS: "Oh, but make sure you keep your eyes on the road, yeah? Drive safe!" / GuyRyS: "Of course. I would never... look at you. No. I'd rather look at the road."



Stream before stream/26-4-2022/0:48:43

I loved the random and fun of the video 10/10 masterpiece great performance by the actors. I hope to see more collaborations with that guy GuyRyS despite the fact that he is a degenerate.


Tierru (ティエル)

【One Hand Clapping】B-but how do you clap with one hand?/12-7-2022/3:19:45

Definitely 1 of my favorite stream, because this is the first game IRyS streamed after her debut, and from that timeline is just full of her cute and funny voices she made. Cuteness overload!!


Maxi Albarracin

【JUMP KING】Jumpity jump/12-3-2022/01:11:51

Yabairys straike once more downin' bad for Fauna's ara ara.



DoKomi 2022 Day 2# - IRyS Konzert/5-6-2022/0:07:19

Brain blank due to nervousness, ask viewers which they like boorbs or ass in recently learned German. Show YabaIRyS presence in beautiful songs.




This stream is where IRyS become SeisoRyS and it's the very first time IRyS notice my chat and she Laugh because of it, it just makes me so happy that she's actually laughed I remember I can't stop smiling and rewinding it (sorry if it's cringe but it's true lol) and that's why this still became one of my Favorites and leave a deep impression for me.


ja ja the new king

Observing Lotion w/ waifu【I'm On Observation Duty 4】/22-6-2022/2:34:32

I just like it when Bae and IRyS are together always makes the stream more fun.


Kevin Chen

【MINECRAFT】Let's tame some cute doggies!/24-8-2021/4:04:31

I've watched some IRyS's stream before this one, but this is the stream I found out how attractive IRyS is, and it is also the beginning I start to follow IRyS, the screenshot is the cutest scene in this stream.



『#BirthdayRyS』ITS MY B-DAY Woo~!🎈【BIRTHDAY STREAM】/7-3-2022/3:51:24

IRyS sings Renai Circulation.




The reason it is my favourite one is we all know it's 6 MONTH ANNIVERSARY for IRyS n what it make more special is that day also is my birthday! Listening IRyS stream while celebrate my own birthday just feels different! She was singing (雪の華) in this stream n I can't explain in words how much I love the IRyS version!



≪CHAD CAST #02≫ The Next Episode/20-2-2022/0:02:05

My english is poor so I use translator.In the past, I would never have thought that I would smile because of a hello.


Aegis Zan

【UNARCHIVED CARaoke】Valentine's Drive Date❤/14-2-2022/1:54:31

I really like how professional IRyS was. Especially when Sora Senpai popped out in the kissing scene, IRyS got a little bit embarrassed at first, then she immediately restored calm and acted smoothly. This was the moment when I got into the Nephamily at the first beginning. I cherish being one of the IRyStocrats to support our adorable Nephilim princess! May all IRyS's dreams come true! Happy debut one-year anniversary!



Stream before stream/26-4-2022/0:05:29

This is IRyS wake up morning in someday, very cute!! Actually, many many picture in my brain, I watch IRyS since in Debut. I love her smile and voice, especially IRyS start to sing that always make me gets goose bumps. Love you IRyS!! One year congratulations!!!!


Leo Chien

【MV RELEASED!!】AFTERPARTY CHAT!/22-5-2022/0:38:05

I like IRyS' sweet smile. The smile makes me a nice day.



【KARAOKE PARTY】100 Day Celebration Karaoke!!/21-10-2021/1:57:19

I'll always be with you and say, "There was a song like this..."


Miguel-CFAA | KFP Coin Polisher

【DEBUT STREAM】Hope has descended!/11-7-2021/0:10:31

Her debut stream is something i'll never forget. This is her first time saying HiRyS live on stream! It's such a legendary moment if you think about it :^)


Brian chong

Observing Lotion w/ waifu【I'm On Observation Duty 4】/22-6-2022/2:45:11

The most beautiful view in the world...BLESSED(BaeRyS forever).



【Missing Children】Now that sounds alarming/4-10-2021/2:06:35

Probably one of many IRyS's funniest moments. It's really caught me off guard, the way she just played her minecraft bgm so she doesn't get scared anymore lol. It never fails to make me laugh every time I watch the VOD.


Akash raj

【Q & A】Answering marshmallow questions!/13-7-2021/0:05:21

It's a funny weird dream sure to make someone smile because it's just IRyS sharing something she finds funny with her laughing at her self with us.



【RESIDENT EVIL: 2】Zombies go boom/19-5-2022/6:22:50

HIRyS! it's HuaIRyS! This is the time I sent my first superchat, and it's on my birthday, I asked for a blessing from you! So it's my favorite time, by this chance I want to thank you again, thanks for bringing so many hope to us, and the blessing is pretty precious to me. Best wishes!


Erik Balthazar

Stream before stream/26-04-2022/0:09:05

It's so difficult to choose just one scene. I chose this one because it highlights your creativity! This story stream was hilarious and so well-made. You are so creative, IRyS! Your cute peekaboo melted my heart! ^^


Alan UwU

Every stream/Every time when hope comes/Every moment when we feel hope

After debating in my head for a long time, I choose the opening animation as a representation of all your streams. Although I do have some memorable moments about you, I don't want to ignore any other moments of your streams. I love whatever you say and you do, even any tiny trivia about you. They are equally significant to me. Thank you IRyS! Thank you for bringing hope, joy, and happiness to me. Thank you for every cute, pon, yabai, touching, and heartwarming moment you gave to me. They all make me feel blissfully happy. Thank you for everything. I'll keep supporting you! And you also don't forget to take care of yourself because we still have a long journey in the future~~




【UNARCHIVED CARaoke】DATE CARAOKE💕I sing, you drive! REBROADCAST!/21-2-2022/02:10:40

Your singing is amazing! The conversations between you and guyRyS made me laugh a lot especially when the slime knocked by the car. I love this stream so much!



Stream before stream/26-4-2022/0:18:49

When I was making my coffee to prepare for the beautiful morning, I suddenly found out that you (IRyS) were having a guerrilla stream. When I clicked onto the stream what I saw was an adorable nephilim getting out of the bed slothfully, that moment I immediately knew this is going to be a hell of a stream! Just as expected, the stream itself was not only wonderful but full of "KUSA" vibes as well, as the screen was literally full of kusa. I must've helped a lot of old grannies to go across the street in my past life to ever witness such a wonderful streamer like you in my life.




Her first time singing with Sora-senpai! On the 3D live stage! She totally showed off her wonderful singing as a VSinger! (even if she was just a frameRyS lol)



【Holocure】FINALLY! LETS PLAY!!/3-7-2022/4:44:44

Hirys! It's Fridge. I really like your every stream, especially those you call it a "short stream" beforehand. But I think my favourite scene is not a specific expression or action of yours, it's the topic you are talking about. Apart from the usual anime topics, I think my favorite and the one that touches me the most is when you told us about your auditions in the recent stream. You said that Hololive is your dream, and shared with us some of your experiences, some of them were setbacks and failures, but in order to get the lemon that life gives you, you need to at least try. In the end, even if you failed, at least you tried. This really struck a chord with me because I've been going through a bit of a downturn in my academics lately. Even if I tried hard, I couldn't achieve the desired result. Although this may not be a big deal for other people, but your words have encouraged me in some way and it really helps me so much.



Stream before stream/26-4-2022/0:09:01

Today is a beautiful day again, when I'm ready to go out ..... Wait a minuite... There's a futun on the grassland! It looks so comfy!! I should be ok to lie down a little, right? IRyS: ノಠ_ಠノ I'm very impressed with this stream, cus IRyS is not a Vsinger but also a Vperformer! I was glad to catch this stream before I went to work. Thank you, IRyS you really made my day! After this stream I learned that NEVER SLEEP OUTSIDE IN THE WILD and GRAB IRyS's FUTUN!!



≪MINECRAFT | HOLO SPORTS FESTIVAL≫ LET'S GO RED TEAM C!! #holoSportsfestival/11-6-2021/3:38:42

In fact, there are really too many things that I find interesting to talk about. But if I had to say my favorite thing, the narration performance at the Holo sports festival was definitely my favorite. I bet part of the atmosphere was definitely warmed up by your sense of humor.


Snow Moon Rabbit

【HoloEN】Spoopy Party with the Whole Crew!/1-11-2021/1:04:04

I really like you and EN group's interaction. It nice to see you guys playing around like this and can sweep away my fatigue. I like the way you and BAE talk to each other. It's always fun to see you keep marrying and divorcing.



【One Hand Clapping】B-but how do you clap with one hand?/12-7-2021/0:09:32

This is a screenshot of IRyS flipping a coin in order to decide her fan name and I think that's very adorable of her. And this moment actually made me want to support our lovely nephilim for as long as I can.



【KARAOKE PARTY】100 Day Celebration Karaoke!!/21-10-2021/1:57:18

There are too many scenes that I love from IRyS's streams to pick a favorite to be honest hahaha. But this is definitely one of the memorable moments for me, it is when she sang Aikotoba III in her 100 days celebration. It was probably the first time I saw her cry if I'm not mistaken, and I remember how we kept sending hearts and showing our love to her. It was a very touching and wholesome moment, I think I also teared up a bit too haha. I really love and appreciate how she's always so sincere and honest about her feelings or thoughts to us, I'm not good with words to express this but it feels very special. I'm really glad that I've met you and have you as my oshi, IRyS. Thank you for all the memories! We love you!



【DEBUT STREAM】Hope has descended!11-7-2022/0:08:00

Since here, I believe that there's hope in this world! Happy anniversaRyS!!

Thanks to

Thanks to all the IRyStocrats who has participate in this event. We all shows our love to our beloved hope, IRyS.

There won't be this website without you guys' help. Also thanks to The Chickenman for cover photo and Lien for the background and illustrating support. Happy 1st anniversaRyS!!!